Sir, I am quite happy to see your approach and way of treatment. In fact it's mine self experience during different cases of medical honest and dedicated doctor with full of confidence and knowledge writes prescription in readable form, explain concern with we will have long association (not as a patient🤣)
Dear Sir,
One of my daughters friend has Chondroma and is under treatment, Need your help as he is not completely cured, I have marked him on the mail, Kindly help.
Dear Arun,
Dr Rajnish is one of the best in Homeopathy and has treated several cases, my friend is also under treatment with him and has not undergone any surgeries that were recommended by the Allopathy doctors and doing well. He will send you the patient form which you need to fill up fully and share all your reports and conditions, do not miss to mention any problems that you are currently facing or that you have had in the past, he will share the medication which you can buy from a nearby store and start your treatment, I am sure it should help you cure…
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594, 1st Floor, 60 Feet Road, 4thStage, RR Nagar,
Bangalore – 560098 | Tel : +91 80 4865 4538
Awalind Tripathi
Sir, I am quite happy to see your approach and way of treatment. In fact it's mine self experience during different cases of medical honest and dedicated doctor with full of confidence and knowledge writes prescription in readable form, explain concern with we will have long association (not as a patient🤣)
Hi Doctor, hope your doing well. My mom took the medicine you subscribed to her it’s the 7th day today. she’s been feeling great she can walk more without getting tired. Shortness of breath is better than before. She’s not coughing as much. The medicine took a long time to get here that’s why I haven’t emailed you. My mom is very happy she wants to get her health back to travel and come see you. She’s very thankful to you and keeps you in her prayer. Btw, we are from Af'n.
Please let us know whatthe next step.
My sister (Miss khushboo Manchanda)who is referred by my cousin brother (Mr.Nitin Manchanda) as well as my mother (Mrs.Renu Manchanda) is already taking treatment from you and sister is showing wonderful results,I don't know how to thank you,like you won't believe nothing was working out for her earlier,doctors out here in Delhi weren't able to cure her out,deeply obliged and blessed to have you by our side,feels you are incarnation of healer/god itself.
Sanjay Jha
Doctor saheb namaskar. Hope you are fine. Thanks for treating my sarcodoisis so well. My father, 78, had some problem in the left eye. Doctors diagonesed it as retina haemorrhage and blockage. They suggested intravitreal injection. I found out homeopathy has better treatment. Kindly suggest medicine. His right eye is fine. Can see from left eye too but cant read. Low vision. Allopathy says slow recovery and uncertain result. Thanks, sanjay k jha, telegraph newspaper.
Dr Ajay ,Patna
Please go through my email of tenth July. Glands have subsided. leukoplakia has changed colour. previously it was white now it is mild pink or mild grey.there is roughness of rt side of tongue,Color also is deep red should I contour the same medicine with same potency.
Sir! This is Wing Commander V Sateesh in connection with your patient, my mother Mrs V Rjyalakshmi who is a suffering from CBD. Sir, as instructed by you we have used the medicines for one month ending today. She has shown considerable improvement in her movement. Before we started the medicine you prescribed she was shaky and almost immobile. Now, after one month of regular use of the medicine she is able to walk slowly without support. Thank you so much for your guidance.
Her latest health status is as under :
Please accept our Heartiest Thanks, since last prescription dated 21.06.2017 , mother is doing absolutely well. There are no more pains in her Legs. Everything has been normal now. She has started feeling relief after few days of starting prescription . There is no stiffness/nerve pain in the legs tissue and she has resumed her normal daily walk of 40-60mins. She is feeling very good and conveyed her wishes to you. Thanks a lot. She is currently having following medicines.
Arnica 200 daily night Hepar sulph 30 thrice daily
I am writing this mail to apprise you her condition. With heartfelt thanks and wishes, manmeet wants to inform you that the first dose of Syphillinum 1M have given magical results.
Just after having the first dose, her hair fall has reduced magically. On the first day of having the dose, the hair fall was almost nil. She was all surprised
and felt relieved after a long journey of 6 years now. Just to mention that after having first dose of 1M, her UTI has aggravated(on 2nd day) , which is getting subsided automatically.
Good Morning Doctor,
You Are Great !
By the god grace and way your expertise treatment my father is getting well on other side he started urinating in natural way but the bladder is still is in retention for he does CIC( process to drain out urine by inserting catheter in penis) regularly as usual ,it's seems volume of urine is increased despite of urinating 3-4 times in 8 hours 400 ml or less urine is still existing in bladder moreover earlier volume was 400 ml or less only in CIC Process.
Although it's good to see but other side feeling worry about retention still there ,Some Symptoms I am sharing
1. Colour of bladder retention urine is dark.
2. Colour of Natural Process Urine is Normal.
3.inner weekness .
4.loss of appetite.
5. Both ankle swollen.
It would be highly appreciated to reply asap so that we can take immediate further step if required .
Thanking you,
Founder Homeopathy World Community; Host Health Inn Live Video
August 28, 2013, Debby worked with drrajneesh but at different companies
Dr Rajneesh has contributed to the knowledge base of homeopathy in so many ways. His experience has shown through in all the articles he has posted on Homeopathy World Community, where you can read 68 blogs and 77 unique discussions about all areas of health, disease, treatment and homeopathy. […/DrRajneeshKumarSh…]
I recommend everyone read his most impressive cured cases to inspire and encourage you to continue the search for healing from an expert homeopath.
- Take for example this case and the thorough clinical examination, analysis, case-taking and explanation: A young guy aged 23 years presented the loss of appetite, thirstlessness with recurrent right hypochondriac pains. General weakness with pain in soles. He was passing yellow urine and offensive sweats. Diagnosed with LFT and HBsAg screening to be a typical case of Hepatitis B. […/case-of-hepatitis…]
I highly recommend learning from Dr Rajneesh or becoming his patient if you have need for a health care provider.
Sincerely, Debby
Viktor kalocsai
SBDS (Strategic Business Development Specialist)
June 22, 2016, drrajneesh worked with viktor in the same group
Fast, Ready to help and Reliable!
His case taking ability is refined with a big portion of empathy. The extensive knowledge of his profession is the warranty of his work.
He is a very good example of a Doctor or, in this case I would use one of the rarest word today we can say about somebody, - Healer. The greatest disease in the world is the absence of Peace. Homeopathy i.e. a good Homeopath can contribute to the formation of this state because of the natural non-invasive methods they use to help the living beings.
I would strongly recommend Dr Rajneesh Sharma for his unflinching service to suffering humanity due to his acumen, patience and experience in Homoeopathy which gives lasting relief when conventional remedies fail or do more harm than cure. He has been able to take up challenges for incurable diseases where others have thrown up hands.
Dear sir, this is srinivas from Hyderabad Andhrapradesh now i have lot of free in my RHD disease thanks for your treatment .i always remember you. i also stop penicillin injection from last two months...
Hello Dr Rajneesh Sir,
My mom is doing good now. She is done with her 15 days, and everything looks good now. She has no complaints as of now. She went to the doctor visit to get some medical tests, and the doctor said her health condition is improving and asked to stay on homeo. I really appreciate you for the prescription and help.
What's the next step? Also, I will be sending you the recent medical reports in a separate email? (A case of Sarcoidosis with ARS)
Greetings Doctor,
Apparently here is how the results have turned out : My Skin is still healing . Before I started Homeopathy , I was on 'Wysolone ' I apologise if I had failed to mention that . The steroid had subsidied the rashes on my skin. However , I have dedicatedly consumed homeopathy parallelly and honestly there are not much improvements. Thanks .
Best regards
You have pioneered in the field of Sarcoidosis treatment in Homeopathy based on Miasmic theory along with other diseases . You have successfully cured many people and you are one and only physician in the world who is an expert in it.
Congratulations to you on your success and wonderful service and passion in curing many helpless people in the world 🙏.
Respected Sir,
A lot of improvment in bhavna . Feeling very much relaxed only last three days headache occoured. Sepia 30 6 pills started from 3/04/2016.
Dr sahab namashkaar.. i m feeling Posetive mind now From one week... --But sir i have 60% problem of dryness on tounge & 20% problem in urine output ... *no problem of feeling vomating now a days..
Thank u so much sir For the immediate and hopeful response from u. Sir I impressed from u to read ur articles of cured cases, I felt that case taking and converting the patient’s symptoms into repertory symptoms is difficult work for me without any expert guide, in this regard I contacted to Indian doctors but they did not response as u. India is more advance than US and UK in homoeopathy and Indian doctors make struggle to promote the homoeopathy. I like v much to all Indian homoeopaths.
It seems that ur guidance will make an innovative turn in my practice of homoeopathy and I’ll be able to prove the best results of homoeo medicines as written in the books.
Dear Rajneesh, Greetings,Yesterday my friend Manju called me and in our conversation we both were appreciating you so much. Thank you so much for helping my friend mom. You are like a spark, bringing hope and light to many people. I am fortunate to be your friend. With respect to my mom: She is doing good with carbo veg itseems and has less oedema. As we thought I will ask my mom to take Strophanthus 200 weekly for 3-4 wks.
PROGRESS REPORT JAN-2014 Sir Good Evening. Hope you have enjoyed the new year celebrations and wish your 2014 is filled with joy, achievements and bliss.
J Kaur (Mother) C/O, P S, New Delhi:
Regarding my mother Jaswinder Kaur, she is currently at AUSTRALIA and her latest health status is as under :
1. She is feeling well, doing all household work, do walk & no problems.
2. Clinically fit …no problems.
3. Hair Fall:- Normal.
4. Eyes blurriness:- Near sight has improved and started reading without specs.
A Singh :
A case of Sarcoidosis- 04-01-2014. Sir with your treatment all joint pains are gone by 99%. No cough.
Thanks Rajneesh. I was telling to Vinod the other day that for past 2 years I was so happy and relaxed because Dr Rajneesh is there for me to treat our family.I always include you & your family in my daily prayers.
Debo Bel:
Dear sir, This is to inform u that it’s been a month i took u r medicine and now i am ok. it‘s all because of u r medicine, it’s real miracle.Thank u sir it really helped me to over come this problem.
Priyanka Sawhney:
Dear Dr. Rajneesh, I was going through the link you have posted on facebook. Firstly I would like to congratulate you on so many achievements. It is an honour to know you and be associated with you even as a patient. You have cured my best friend of Sarcoidosis and she is healthy and fit now. Thank you so much!
Nieraj Bhatnagar:
Dear Sir, Thanks once again, she is totally cured and for the first time is without any sinus and cold.
May God bless you with extraordinary curing powers to help serve mankind.
Sir, I don’t know how to thank you, her eye test shows significant improvement and her blood test reports are awaited, she is not on any allopathic medicine(steroids and azaron) now. You have been a great saviour. We know many patients in Bangalore who have similar problem and will share your email id for them to seek your help.
Cam. Ceri:
Hello Dr. Rajneesh, first of all I wanted to thank you for your professionality and competence, given that plays the best of his profession and I can only say thank you, thank you, thank you for my whole family.
Doctor saheb namaskar. Hope you are fine. Thanks for treating my sarcodoisis so well. My father, 78, had some problem in the left eye. Doctors diagonesed it as retina haemorrhage and blockage. They suggested intravitreal injection. I found out homeopathy has better treatment. Kindly suggest medicine. His right eye is fine. Can see from left eye too but cant read. Low vision. Allopathy says slow recovery and uncertain result. Thanks, sanjay k jha, telegraph newspaper.
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